Aug 19, 2011

We were made to be courageous.

I recently had the privilege of spending a week with some of the finest young men and women of this generation. A bunch of world changers they are! We sang and danced and preached and prayed all week long. It was marvelous! The fact that the week was going to end was something that none of us wanted to acknowledge. However, we knew that indeed the week would have to end and we would have to return to our daily grinds.
Some kids were going back into the same difficult situations that they had left. Others were going into situations that had gotten worse while they were away. Others still were getting ready to return to school. It was a hard thing to acknowledge, but it was the truth.
I was encouraged by Apostle Paul’s words in Acts 20:24, Paul was getting ready to make his own ‘Jerusalem Journey’ just as our savior did. He didn’t know what was going to happen for sure. He simply knew that he had been told by the spirit trouble was awaiting him. He wasn’t sure if he would see this group of leaders ever again, yet he was not moved. He knew trouble was waiting, yet he was not moved. I believe that he that he knew he was going to lose his life---yet he was not moved.
So then, I want to encourage all the students headed back to school as well as all the rest of those reading; don’t let circumstances, situations, stations or hardships move you. You have the greater one in you.
Psalms 139 reminds us that he has hedged us in. He goes before us, He has been behind us and his hand is upon us. Remember the words that he spoke to Joshua over and over again. Be strong and courageous. He never calls us to something that He won’t lead us through. He’s still in the fire; walking in the flames. Keep your head up and looking to the hills.
The world doesn’t like light because light definition invades and exposes darkness. This is the call. We are to suit up and march on. We really don’t care what the world likes because our hearts desire is to please our king. You can do it; you can make it; because you’re not doing it alone. He’s with you every step of the way. Go change your world with the Gospel, for we are not ashamed!

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