Aug 13, 2011


I just got home from Immersion Camp in Vermillion,Ohio. It was hosted by ERCN. It was such an amazing time. It was an honor to serve such amazing kids and to do so along side the likes of such great friends and men of God like; Billy Whitt, Adam Letner, Todd Bird and of course the band Graceful Closure. It was really a bittersweet symphony when we left. i was sad to leave but excited to see my wife and kids.

Though I might not see some of those kids ever again they've left an imprint on my heart. We all wanted the same thing; we didn't want to leave saying 'my what a camp or my what speakers or even my what great services'. No, the hearts cry from the leadership team was for all of us to leave proclaiming--My What a God we serve. I can't speak for every single camper--but all the ones that I spoke to and have seen FB posts from have been saying just that; My what an Awesome God we serve. So, in my eyes, Immersion Camp 2011--was a huge success.

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